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Jaculex - Semen Pill Comparison
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| Jaculex |


Jaculex or Semenax capsules?
Product Claim:
Increase ejaculate volume
Faster recovery for second orgasms
Improved prostate health
Jaculex - Full Review:
Jaculex capsules are sold through a website called They are virtually unheard of in the male enhancement industry,
and most men have probably never heard of this product. According to their website:
"The jaculexT "Ejaculate Volume Formula" consists of a unique blend of pharmaceutical-grade
botanical seed extract designed to increase men's sexual vitality. Jaculex is allergen-free, stimulant free with no side effects."
Additionally the following claims are made about their product:
"The jaculexT "Ejaculate Volume Formula" was developed for the maintenance of a healthy prostate and
strengthening of the vas deferens. Its Active Constituent PollexilT is recommended by Doctors in Europe and Asia to be taken on a daily
basis for the maintenance of a healthy prostate and male reproductive organs."
Jaculex is a fairly new product which is trying to capitalize on the success of
popular male enhancement
formulas like Semenax from Albion Medical. In our opinion, Jaculex is one of the
weakest semen enhancement formulas we have seen in the several years we have
been reviewing male enhancement products. The Jaculex formula only contains 900
mg. of active ingredients, which is substantially less than the leading
formulas. Jaculex only contains one ingredient - Pollexil, while products like
Semenax and Volume Pills contain 12-15 ingredients each.
We would strongly advise against buying this product if you are planning to use it to increase your ejaculation
There are definitely other male enhancement formulas available which have been proven to be effective in increasing
semen volume, stronger orgasms, and sexual stamina. Save your money and buy from
trusted company's which have been around for years and offer superior products.
30-day guarantee. * No details anywhere on site.
2 pills per day (monthly supply is 60 capsules).
There are no bonuses or free gifts available with Jaculex purchase.
"Jaculex not only works, it works wonders. I never thought I could be in
the porn business because I don't normally shoot those porn-star loads. I
discovered this product, have taken it during the filming of all of my movies,
and I'm amazed at the results. You will be too. Give it a shot."
- Spencer Quest
Side Effects:
There are no known side effects associated with Jaculex.
$39.95 for 1 bottle - one month supply
$79.90 for 3 bottles - three month supply
$149.80 for 6 bottles - six month supply
Shipping cost is $5.95 within continental US.
How to Order:
Order Jaculex online through the product website.
Jaculex - Conclusion:
We rate Jaculex Capsules as a below average semen enhancement supplement with no ingredients known to increase ejaculation volume.
Jaculex claims to have an "Unconditional 30 day guarantee", but offers
no details on their site, leading us to seriously doubt whether you would get
your money back if you were unsatisfied with this product, which we are quite
sure would be the case. Additionally, there is only one customer testimonial on
the Jaculex website - surely if it worked as advertised they could post more
than one positive review of their product.
If you are looking for a product which will dramatically increase your semen production and improve your sex life, we strongly
recommend you look into more reputable products such as Semenax or
Pills. With quality products like these available, we see no point in even considering a product like Jaculex.
Stick with products known to work, from companies that stand behind their
Jaculex Rating:
Product Claim:
Increases semen volume
by up to 500%
Produces longer lasting, stronger orgasms
Boosts your potency and fertility
Works to eliminate premature ejaculation
Semenax - Full Review:
Albion Medical have produced another excellent product called Semenax, which is
receiving great feedback from our readers. This revolutionary new product uses
the latest technology of medical science and is used by porn stars all over the
world to produce their huge semen loads - most notably by porn legends Ron
Jeremy and Peter North.
This pill has an amazing success rate and is already well established as the
industry leader in the field of semen enhancement supplements. The success
stories that we have received have been promising and plentiful, and their
reputation is rock solid. Albion Medical sells this extremely popular semen
enhancer through their website
This doctor approved semen volume pill is well researched and comes with an impressive money back
guarantee. It continues to be the best semen product available today.
Outstanding customer service combined with an excellent sperm pill make this an
easy choice as our top pick.
Reader feedback indicates that the normal results with this product will see
semen volume increase by about 500%, as well as stronger orgasms which last much
longer than usual. Results seem to come quickly and this is because the
ingredients are of the highest quality. If you are looking for increased
ejaculation volume and more intense orgasms, then Semenax is certainly your best
choice. Semenax is backed with an iron-clad 67-day guarantee in which you will
receive 100% of your money back if you're not completely satisfied. One of the
most reliable companies around. Visit
Semenax site.
100% Money back guarantee for up to 67 days if not completely satisfied.
2 high quality capsules a day (monthly supply is 60 capsules).
Order 4 or more bottles of Semenax and receive the following free gifts:
Free bottle of VigRX
Free Express Shipping
$25 Gift Card at
Order 6 or more bottles of Semenax
and receive ALL THE ABOVE plus:
Free "Crazy Party Girls" Video
Free bottle of GenF20 HGH supplement
Order the Diamond Package of Semenax
and receive ALL THE ABOVE plus:
Save $320 on a year supply Semenax!
"My boyfriend suddenly had soooo much more cum, I couldn't take it all in
my mouth. I mean, it was literally spilling over my lips! The change was so
dramatic, I said to him - Wow! What is going on with you? He copped to taking
Semenax. I applaud him! This is a blast!!"
- Allie W., Rockford, IL
Side Effects:
Semenax is a 100% safe and natural herbal formula that produces dramatic
results with no negative side effects.
$59.95 for one bottle - one month supply
$154.95 for 3 bottles - three month supply
$289.95 for 6 bottles - six month supply {You save $70}
$399.95 for Diamond Package - one year supply {You save
All orders discreetly packaged and shipped via express courier.
How to Order:
There are several ordering options available. Order Semenax securely online,
or by mail, fax, or phone. Currently accept all credit cards and most debit
Semenax - Conclusion:
We rate Semenax as an excellent choice for men who want to dramatically increase
their semen production and experience double or triple strength orgasms. Semenax
is a fast and effective way to improve your sexual performance and pleasure.
Although our readers naturally say they enjoy the fact their semen load has
generally quadrupled while using Semenax, the thing they seem to enjoy the most
is the super-strength orgasms which last 2-3 times longer than normal. The icing
on the cake is that most men find they can last 10-15 minutes longer during
intercourse, as a result of taking Semenax.
Semenax is our top choice for semen volume enhancers, and is made by the same
company that produces VigRX and VigRX Plus, the 2 leading penis enhancement
capsule. This means that Semenax comes with the same excellent money back
guarantee, and customer service and reputation which has remained untarnished
for several years. You can be assured that Semenax will deliver as promised. Find
out more.
Semenax has been rated as the #1 semen enhancer by the
editors and researchers at!
To read testimonials from Semenax users,
click here |
Our #1 Choice for Increased Semen
New Semenax
Semen Volume Capsules
From Albion Medical
Rated #1 for increased semen
production and stronger orgasms!
Comments: Outstanding sexual enhancement product.
Semenax is a natural herbal male enhancement formula designed by Albion Medical
for stronger orgasms, powerful ejaculations, and increased semen volume -
usually by about 500%.
Cost: $59.95 *(only
$33.33 per bottle with discounts!)
Guarantee: 67 Days
Click Here for more info about
Semenax semen volume capsules including ingredients, faq's,
testimonials, and the special bonus offers.
Learn how you can order Semenax volume pills securely online,
by fax, mail, or phone: CLICK HERE NOW!
Our #1 Choice for Permanent Results
VigRX Plus Penis
Enhancement Capsules
From Albion Medical
Rated #1 in Customer Satisfaction.
Comments: Outstanding sexual enhancement product. VigRX Plus is a natural herbal
penile enhancement formula designed by Albion Medical, that works to increase penis size, improve sexual
health, and provide harder, longer lasting erections.
Cost: $76.99 *(only
$40.85 per box with discounts!)
Guarantee: 67 Days
Click Here for more info about VigRX Plus male enhancement
capsules including ingredients, faq's,
testimonials, and the special bonus offers.
Learn how you can order VigRX Plus penis enhancement pills securely online,
by fax, mail, or phone: CLICK HERE NOW!